
Qualified training tuned to your requirements

Of course we would be delighted if you choosed to offer your patients TAP® anti-snoring devices and to become a certified TAP® partner. Our extensive range of both dental and clinical training courses for the TAP® technology can be found on this page. For several years now, we have been offering these courses regularly with internal or external speakers and in different locations around the globe.

Information with a detailed description of the course contents as well as registration form and conditions of participation can be found in the course program. We look forward to receiving your course application and are happy to help you with any questions you may have.


Marlene Beier
Phone: +49 2374 9288-593
E-mail: marlene.beier@scheu-dental.com


From person to person

Our training laboratory is integrated in our administration building in Iserlohn and can accommodate eight participants. External courses are held in selected training institutions or conference hotels. The equipment with cutting-edge technology and individual work in small groups guarantee intensive learning combined with personal advice and support. You are welcome to bring current patient cases from your practice for discussion with our speakers in the clinical courses.

It goes without saying that our consultation does not end with the end of a training course: If you have any questions or experience any problems in your daily working routine, please feel free to contact the SCHEU-DENTAL team. An extensive internal training system also ensures that our staff is always there for you with competent advice.

Certified TAP® Partners

If you do not intend to fabricate the TAP® splint on your own, you can find certified laboratories in your area using the Search function.


Nicht jeder Zahnarzt oder Kieferorthopäde bietet die Behandlung mit TAP®-Schienen zur Schnarchtherapie an. Erst nach einer entsprechenden Fortbildung im Bereich der zahnärztlichen Schlafmedizin darf mit TAP®-Schienen behandelt werden.

Über die Suchfunktion können Sie die zertifizierten TAP®-Ärzte bei Ihnen vor Ort finden und kontaktieren.